Anxiety is a common issue for many people. It’s a condition characterised by excessive worry which nervousness, and is often linked to poor brain health. Medication as a cure is also needed.
There are many methods you can use to help relieve symptoms of anxiety, from exercise to deep breathing, in addition to medication. In addition, there are certain foods that you can consume that, mainly due to their brain-boosting effects, can help minimise the severity of your symptoms.
Here are 6 foods and drinks validated by science that may provide relief from anxiety.
For anxiety reduction, salmon can be beneficial.
It includes nutrients that promote brain health, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid, including vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids (DHA)
EPA and DHA can help regulate dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters, which can have calming and relaxing effects.
In addition, studies show that these fatty acids can decrease inflammation and prevent brain cell dysfunction that leads to mental disorders such as anxiety being created.
As per the best nutritionist in India, consuming sufficient quantities of EPA and DHA can also encourage the ability of your brain to adjust to changes, helping you to manage stressors that cause symptoms of anxiety better.
The beneficial effects it can have on improving levels of calming neurotransmitters have also been studied for vitamin D. Even a few servings of salmon a week can be adequate to facilitate relief from anxiety.
In one study, men who ate five months of Atlantic salmon three times a week showed less anxiety than men who ate chicken, pork or beef. In addition, they had enhanced symptoms linked to anxiety, such as heart rate and variability of heart rate. check psychedelic therapy seattle.
Chamomile is an herb that may lead to reducing anxiety. It contains large levels of validated antioxidants to decrease inflammation, which could reduce the risk of anxiety.
The relationship between chamomile and anxiety relief has been investigated by several studies.They also found that, relative to those who did not those diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) reported a substantially greater reduction in symptoms after consuming chamomile extract.
Similar findings were seen in another study, as those who drank chamomile extract for eight weeks saw decreased depression and anxiety symptoms. While these findings are positive, most studies on chamomile extract have been performed. More study is required to assess the anti-anxiety effects of the most widely eaten chamomile tea.
Turmeric, a compound researched for its role in promoting brain health and preventing anxiety disorders, is a spice containing curcumin.
Animal and test tube experiments indicate that by helping the body synthesise it more effectively, curcumin can improve the omega-3 fatty acid DHA in the brain.
In one study, compared to those given a lower dose, 20 mg/kg of curcumin produced important anti-anxiety effects in stressed mice.
Curcumin also has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that have been demonstrated to prevent brain cell damage.
These effects are in part due to the ability of curcumin to suppress inflammatory signals, such as cytokines, which are also associated with the development of anxiety.
In addition, it has been shown that curcumin intake raises blood antioxidant levels, which appear to be poor in people with anxiety.
To validate all of these results, further human research is needed, but if you suffer from anxiety, it is definitely worth trying to incorporate turmeric into your diet.
Dark Chocolate
It can also be useful to relieve anxiety by adding some dark chocolate into your diet. Dark chocolate contains flavonols, antioxidants that can support the functioning of the brain. By enhancing blood flow to the brain and encouraging its capacity to respond to stressful conditions, they do this.
Such effects can allow you to better respond to stressful conditions that can lead to anxiety and other mood disorders. Some researchers also believe that the role of dark chocolate in brain health could simply be due to its flavour, which for those with mood disorders may be soothing.
In one study, individuals who consumed 74% dark chocolate twice a day for two weeks had improved levels of stress hormones usually associated with anxiety, such as catecholamines and cortisol.
It has also been shown that consuming dark chocolate raises serotonin neurotransmitter levels, which can help reduce the stress that contributes to anxiety.
For example, participants showed significantly lower levels of stress after eating 40 grammes of dark chocolate every day over a two-week period in a study of highly stressed individuals.
However, since it is high in calories and easy to overeat, dark chocolate is better eaten in moderation. A reasonable serving size is 1–1.5 ounces.
Yogurt is a perfect food to include in your diet if you are suffering from anxiety.
The probiotics found in some forms of yoghurt, or healthy bacteria, can enhance many aspects of your well-being, including mental health.
Studies have shown that by inhibiting free radicals and neurotoxins, which can damage nerve tissue in the brain and lead to anxiety, probiotic foods such as yoghurt can promote mental health and brain function.
Anxious people who ate probiotic yoghurt every day were better able to deal with stress in one study than those who consumed yoghurt without probiotics.
Another research showed that women who ate 4.4 ounces (125 grammes) of yoghurt twice daily for four weeks had improved functioning of emotion and sensation-controlled brain regions, which could be related to lower levels of anxiety.
These results are positive, but further human studies are required to validate the beneficial effects that yoghurt may have on the reduction of anxiety.
It is also important to remember that probiotics are not available in all yoghurt. The best nutritionist in Bangalore says choosing a yoghurt that has live, active cultures identified as an ingredient for the benefits of probiotics.
L-theanine, an amino acid that has been researched for the beneficial impact it can have on brain health and reduction of anxiety, is present in green tea. In one small sample, individuals who ingested L-theanine experienced a decrease in responses to psychological stress typically associated with anxiety, such as increased heart rate.
Another research showed that there were reduced levels of cortisol, a stress hormone associated with anxiety, in those who drank a drink containing L-theanine.
These effects may be due to the ability of L-theanine to avoid overexcited nerves. Additionally, GABA, dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that have been shown to have anti-anxiety effects, can be improved by L-theanine.
In addition, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant suggested to support brain health, is found in green tea. It may play a role in reducing those symptoms by increasing GABA in the brain as well.
One mouse study found that anti-anxiety effects similar to those of traditional anxiety drugs were created by EGCG. The beneficial properties of L-theanine and EGCG may be a big reason why less psychological distress is correlated with drinking many cups of green tea every day.
While all these results are positive, much of the research on green tea and anxiety has been done in animals and test tubes, it should be noted. To confirm its anti-anxiety effects, further human research is needed.
Overall, on the subject of particular foods and anxiety reduction, research is sparse. Most experiments on animals or in laboratories have been performed, and more high-quality human studies are required. There are however, many foods and drinks that can help you cope with your symptoms of anxiety, as they can decrease inflammation and improve brain health.
With the award-winning QUA Nutritionist, monitor your anxiety. To help you concentrate and relax, try guided meditation, a sleep tale, or stretches developed by our experts. We look at this subject with utmost significance at Qua Nutrition. Call us at +91-9743430000 or email us at [email protected] if you have any questions about nutrition or our nutrition/ diet plans.